SWIFT (Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication) is a global messaging network that allows financial institutions to securely exchange electronic messages and financial transactions across borders. It was founded in 1973 and is headquartered in Belgium.

SWIFT provides a platform for financial institutions to communicate and exchange information about financial transactions, such as money transfers, securities trades, and foreign exchange transactions. SWIFT messages are standardized and encrypted to ensure the security and confidentiality of the information exchanged.

SWIFT offers a variety of messaging services, including:

FIN (Financial Messaging) – the most widely used messaging service, which allows financial institutions to exchange financial messages securely and reliably.

FileAct – a file transfer service that allows financial institutions to securely exchange large volumes of structured and unstructured data.

InterAct – a real-time messaging service that allows financial institutions to communicate with each other in real-time.

Browse – a messaging service that allows financial institutions to browse and query SWIFT messages.

Alliance Messaging Hub – a messaging platform that enables banks to connect to multiple SWIFT services and messaging networks.

SWIFT has become the standard for financial messaging and is used by thousands of financial institutions around the world. It plays a critical role in facilitating global financial transactions and is an essential tool for banks and other financial institutions.


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